intercessory prayers for the world today


7 day miracle prayer
7 Day Prayer Miracle

Prayer is a personal and intimate act of communicating with a higher power.
Many people believe in the existence of God, the creator and ruler of the universe, and turn to Him in prayer. For Christians, Jesus is an important figure in their faith and is also considered as a way to communicate with God. The question of whether to pray to God or Jesus is a matter of personal belief and understanding of one’s faith.

For many Christians, praying to Jesus is seen as a way to connect with God on a personal level. Jesus is believed to be the Son of God and the savior of humanity, and is often viewed as a mediator between God and humanity. Praying to Jesus is seen as a way to access the grace and forgiveness that God offers through His son.

On the other hand, some Christians may choose to pray directly to God, the Father.
They may see Jesus as the incarnate form of God and therefore prefer to communicate with the Divine in its purest form.

In the end, it’s important to remember that prayer is not about following a set of rules or choosing the right words. It’s about having a genuine and heartfelt conversation with a higher power. Whether you choose to pray to God or Jesus, the important thing is that you are making that connection and expressing your thoughts and feelings to a higher power.

Ultimately, the choice of whether to pray to God or Jesus is a personal one, shaped by one’s understanding of their faith and relationship with their deity. It’s important to remember that there is no one correct way to pray and that the most important thing is to have an open and sincere heart when communicating with a higher power.

💥 Discover the “Shocking Simple 4-Sentence Miracle Prayer” that has helped 135,375 ordinary people manifest extraordinary miracles. Click Here ➜ ➜ ➜ 7 Day Miracle Prayer


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