Personal Development – Relationship Challenges

I have a few drinks alone. I think about all the hours I’ve put into personal development and the mistakes I’ve made in my life. Hey, we all make mistakes, especially when we’re young. Of all the mistakes I’ve made, relationships hurt and challenge me the most. Why is it like this??

These days, some people like to joke about relationships. Relationships were not a subject that was taught in school, so many of us have to learn from experience and practice. Some are on a different level and some have different rules. Relationships can be an area in life that can be unfair, some people will have an advantage and the same will have a disadvantage. So where do we find this experience and practice?

Relationships are all very similar, be it the relationship with family, friends, partner or with oneself. We want to share, give, receive, grow, feel good and be happy. If we want a relationship that works, we have to do the things I mentioned. A relationship can fail because they don’t understand this and don’t meet each other’s needs. We all need to share, give, receive, grow, feel good and be happy.

When ever I fail in my relationships, like a break up. I felt like it was the end of the world. I felt like my education, job, money, everything didn’t matter. I felt that everything I did was for a better relationship. I don’t understand and I didn’t know how to control my emotions when there was a loss of relationship. I was looking for answers. Drinking, looking for a new relationship, doing a lot of stupid things. I try to change things that are out of my control. After many years of failure, I have found the answer. It is looking within yourself. loving yourself Being yourself. To value yourself. To grow yourself. How can we love and expect others to love and relate to us if we can’t do these things ourselves first?

Remember that we all have many types of relationships such as family, friends, colleagues and partners. We can’t just give up on another relationship if one fails or devote all our energy to one type of relationship. we have to balance all our relationships. We are not always in control of all the events and people around us. We cannot change what happened in the past. We have control over ourselves, control over what we think, control over how we feel, control over what we learn, and control over what is happening right now.

Challengers are part of life, we need them to learn and grow. Don’t avoid them. There is plenty of help nearby to get you through all the tough times. If you don’t understand something, go to the library, bookstore, search the Internet, or find people who can help you.

Spend most of your time finding or thinking about solutions, not the problem.


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