Personal Development and the Normal Mind

With these obstacles, it’s no wonder we feel like we keep coming back to base camp. But these are obstacles that, even as you explore the possibility of getting more out of life, you know you can overcome, and even occasionally! The trick is not to get discouraged during the trip. The secret is to keep fighting. And the true warrior is one who is willing to endure and, ignoring the fleeting trials that will inevitably befall us today, gets up, shakes off the dust, and starts over every time he slips or falls.

Note that his default mood will never change as he progresses; Like I said, that’s how it works. He must also realize that his stored knowledge of him is well stored behind the lock and key of his subconscious mind. Your formative experiences are part of who you are, they will not change and they will never go away. But that shouldn’t be a permanent obstacle, because as someone who is trying to improve himself, he needs to understand that he has the choice of whether or not to devote his energy and attention to these obsolete unconscious snapshots.

This is a choice that you must exercise to your advantage and, in fact, practice daily, moment by moment. Only when you don’t make this decision and let your subconscious make the predetermined decision for you will you slip and slide down the slippery slope. In other words, you should not only wake up, but also stay awake. You must be constantly on your guard, constantly aware of your mood and if you feel exhausted as a result of wasting your energy and attention on useless and negative thoughts. You must constantly remain aware of whether you are present or not; In other words, you need to focus on what you’re doing and where you really are in the here and now.

Essentially, the personal development journey towards self-actualization is a lifelong pursuit and it is a journey with no final destination. Because the normal mind cannot comprehend how abnormally happy and successful we can be without effort.

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