A CHRISTMAS PRAYER ‘Our Heavenly Father, Remind us of the birth of Jesus, that we wll share in the song of angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship…

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The Lord’s Prayer Is The Perfect Prayer – Why?

The Lords Prayer is the perfect prayer because Jesus tells us how we should pray in Matthew 6 verse 9 – 13. “The Lord’s Prayer,” or “Our Father prayer,” is…

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What is Personal Development?

Personal development is as old as Plato and Aristotle. In fact, personal development was considered by many societies as the only true calling. They also believed that the study and…

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Personal Development – Change Your Life in 21 Days

Did you know that it is possible to change your life in 21 days? All you need to do is change negative habits – personal development skills can help you…

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Personal Development Techniques To Release The Past

It is possible to let go of your past, no matter how painful or private it was. Through these personal development techniques, you release all your emotional baggage and start…

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